Our Approach

Why We Use Functional Medicine

What is a functional medicine approach?

Functional and integrative medicine delves into the root causes of your symptoms and health conditions.

Rather than just treating each symptom separately, we aim to understand & address why these symptoms occur in the first place.

Our approach holistically considers all your organ systems, providing a comprehensive path to resolve the underlying causes rather than merely masking your symptoms.

Diving Deep

How do we find those root causes?

Life History

The story of your life is one of the most powerful pieces of information. Often, symptoms are addressed in isolation, overlooking the interconnectedness of our body systems and past experiences. To uncover the root causes, we gather a detailed life history and dedicate a focused 90-minute initial appointment to dive into your lived experience & symptoms.


We use conventional & functional lab tests to analyze biomarkers related to your symptoms & potential root causes. We are very strict with what lab companies we trust. Functional lab testing is a confusing maze with lots of misleading overpriced tests. We only use the most reliable, research-backed tests with high quality evidence to get you trustworthy, cost-effective results aligned with your needs.


If a good test doesn't exist, the next step we take is to test how your symptoms respond to different dietary tweaks & changes. We use this valuable information to tailor our treatments specifically for you. That way you know exactly how your body is responding to the food you eat. And no, we do not support the use of long-term restrictive diets.

*Please keep in mind our laboratory testing is not meant to be diagnostic, all diagnoses must come from your medical doctor.

What We Use
What We Use

Do you use nutritional supplements & herbs?

Yes. We use nutritional or herbal/botanical supplements for a myriad of conditions as a part of our medical nutrition therapy. As an added benefit, we offer all our patients 20% off of most supplements on the market.

Nutrition Planning
Nutrition Planning

Do you provide meal plans?​

Yes, (if you want them)! All our patients get a free account to our meal planning software where they access meal plans we create for them that include shopping lists, easy recipes, & nutrition facts. The software has a HUGE database of recipes, so if you don’t like a meal you can easily swap it for another!


Do you give your patients handouts and resources?

Yes most definitely! You will have access to all handouts, eBooks, videos, and educational materials that you need to succeed. Any educational materials we cover in our sessions together will be yours to keep forever.

Our Philosophy
Our Philosophy​

Are you anti-medications?

Definitely not! The heart of integrative medicine is in the name, we integrate the best that exists in conventional medicine with the best in botanical & herbal medicine. That way you get the best of both worlds with the most effective and safe solutions. We are firm supporters of a woman’s autonomy & will support you in the decisions you make.

Safety & Efficacy
Safety & Efficacy

Are herbs safe?

Many don’t realize that herbs can often be safer than many pharmaceutical drugs we have. Unlike drugs that target specific areas rapidly, herbs are meant to encourage the body’s return to normal functioning, rather than a quick fix. We also take great care in ensuring that the herbs used in our treatment plans meet established criteria of efficacy and safety. 

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