Your Hormone Health Journey, Our Holistic Care

Your Hormone Health Journey, Our Holistic Care

We are a team of registered dietitians dedicated to providing you the care that you deserve to naturally reclaim your hormone health.

Reclaim your hormone health naturally.

Holistic Care

Treating you as an entire person, not just your symptoms

Custom Treatments

Tailoring our care based on your unique health story

All Natural

Blending nutrition science & herbal wisdom for your health journey

Exceptional Outcomes

Realizing a healthier you with empathy & expertise

Our Specialties

Painful Periods &

Period pains or endo, together we'll tackle them

Irregular Periods

Period all out of whack? We'll help you reclaim your cycle


Bringing you calm during your monthly emotional storms


Together, we'll turn fertility hurdles into hopeful moments

Pregnancy &

We’ve got you mama, your pregnancy worries end here

Perimenopause &

Helping you enter your next phase in life with vitality

How We Work

1. Apply To Join

Apply to join as a patient, upon reviewing your application we will be in touch to book a free 15-minute discovery call.

2. Share your Health Story

As a patient, we'll ask you to share your full health history from birth till now. You are more than just medical issues — we want to know you as a whole person.

3. Deep Dive Appointment

In our first 90-minute session, we will delve into the root causes behind your symptoms to get to the bottom of your health concerns.

4. Follow-Up Care

Change is challenging, we're dedicated to supporting you every step of the way to achieve better health.

5. Tracking to Success

We regularly assess your symptoms and track progress to fine-tune your care. This ensures we achieve the results you desire.

Health Victories

Health Victories

Meet Our Dietitians

Dr. Abrar, PhD, RD, WIMI-CP
Founder & Clinical Dietitian
Stacey, MS, RD, CGN
Clinical Dietitian
Sydney, MS, RD, IBCLC
Clinical Dietitian
Safia, RD, LDN, WIMI-CP*
Clinical Dietitian
Professional Certifications

We are one of the only practices with US nationally licensed dietitian nutritionists who also hold herbal medicine certifications approved by the American Medical Association & Commission on Dietetic Registration

Root Causes Behind Your Hormone Health

FREE eBook to guide you through the main root causes behind your hormone health challenges

Get the Care You Deserve

Apply to join as a patient to get a free 15-minute discovery call with one of our expert dietitians

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Thursday, June 20th 5pm EST

The 5 Hidden Barriers to Fertility You Must Know

Join our fertility expert dietitians to uncover often-overlooked root causes of infertility